Urban Nature Culture. - New ways for sustainable accessories and furniture.

Urban Nature Culture. — Neue Wege für nachhaltige Accessoires und Möbel.

During our trip to Amsterdam, we took refuge in a wonderful furniture store thanks to the pouring rain and came across UrbanNatureCulture products. It was like love at first sight.

Since the age of 19, Anne Marie Hermans has travelled the world, finding beauty and treasures in every corner of the globe. Always inspired by inventive minds and the incredible products, she keeps finding new products, little treasures and creative people on her travels that inspire her for new collections. This is exactly why she founded her own brand Urban Nature Culture.

The idea was so beautiful and inspiring that we felt attracted to it and included parts of the collection.

Bei Urban Nature Culture make sure that the products are produced in a sustainable way, fair wages are paid and they value new environmentally friendly resources and use sustainable, rapidly renewable raw materials. 

You are welcome to see for yourself.

Urban Nature Culture

 You will find a selection of the products available in our shop here.hier.


photocredits: urbannatureculture

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